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rain trees.JPG

It rained for the first time in a long time the other day.


I went for my daily walk in the woods behind my house and I got lost. Not completely lost. More confused. I had to retrace my steps a couple of times. It's strange, you can walk along the same dirt track that cuts through the same stationary trees hundreds of times and never get lost. But, as soon as something changes, say a sudden downpour, everything feels different. This different was nice. Needed. Like a wake up call that things are malleable and active. That things are within our control and out of it. It's peaceful getting lost between the two.



The rain brought a new sense of life. I swear, there were more bird calls than an orchestra performing. Tadpoles. Weird, I know, but fascinating. A strange little sighting but important to acknowledge. That's one thing about the world on lockdown, the small things are acknowledged and appreciated. I'm looking at the space between the branches rather than the branches themselves. The blue sky between the newly sprouted green leaves. 


The rain made me look at the whole scene.



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